
本公司服務香港建造業超逾三十年,專門為客戶提供各類型優質建材,品種應有盡有,價格公道,運送快捷,服務妥貼準繩。特別在環保及成本效益方面, 積極推動本地建造業與時並進,於世界各地引進優質建材,跟客戶攜手為本地建築質素締造更高水平。

憑著三十年的努力,本公司深得客戶長期信任支持,各類型客戶包括多間香港上市發展商、地產商、建築商、承建商、著名建築師及各區中小企裝修工程公司。 「以客為先」的開業宗旨,將繼續成為我們團隊的努力方向。

30 years expert in construction materials industry

Kee Wah has been established in Hong Kong for more than 30 years. We provide full range of construction materials in reasonable price. Our own fleet of trucks assure on-time delivery to any corners of Hong Kong. We have selected and imported cost-efficient green building materials from all over the world which sets a new high standard in local market.

As the leading construction materials dealer in Hong Kong, we have a wide range of customers included various major developers, architects and interior decoration companies. 'Customer First' is and will always be the first thing we concern.