本公司歷史悠久,擁有大量客戶群,並得到長期支持,無論是國際知名的上市地產發展商,還是地區上的個別零售用戶, 均多年來與本公司合作無間。我們亦持續創新為客戶引進各種優質商品方案,與國內國外廠家合作,配合定期市場推廣活動,提升顧客對產品的認識及信心。如貴公司有興趣把優質產品交給我們分銷代理,或有意代理我們的產品,歡迎聯絡。

As the leading construction materials dealer in Hong Kong, we have a very profound customer profile ranges from major property developers to workers on streets. We keep bringing world-class products and solutions to our customers and promote those innovative ideas through various marketing activities. If you would like us to sell your good quality products or you would like to become our reseller, please contact us.

* All logos belong to their respective manufacturing group. Please visit their web site for further information